1 c. butter
2 c. sugar
2 eggs
3 ¾ c. flour
¼ c. milk
½ tsp cream of tartar
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
3 Tbsp sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
* 10 oz. bag cinnamon chips
Cream together butter, sugar, eggs & milk. Slowly add cr. of tartar, soda, salt, & flour. Roll into balls about 1½ inches in diameter and roll into sugar and cinnamon mixture. Place 2 inches apart on un-greased baking sheet. Bake for 8-10 minutes until set. Immediately remove from baking sheet.
These are really delicious when they first come out of the oven- yummy! We have found that underdone is much better, they stay soft.
I've never heard of cinnamon chips... I'm gonna have to start looking for them!!
Janna you are the baking queen ... and a finder of great recipes - you and Amy make a great pair!!!
Now I'm hungry!!!! They are really yummy
These are the yummiest cookies ever!
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